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Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Marvel vs DC

Alright, let's talk about Marvel and DC. I'm not trying to put them in a war as any fanboys did, lol. I'm just trying to share my thought about them.


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Suara Yang Membara : BARASUARA

Alright, I know, harusnya gue nulis skripsi gue, bukan malah ngeblog. Yah, seandainya nyekrip semudah mumbling di blog.

Ugh. Well. We're not talking about that shit.

I'm just gonna share my thought about my new favorite band. It's BARASUARA and I bet you'll (also) in love with this freakin awesome band! :D

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Instagram and/or Vine

Do you guys still remember my older post about Vine? Well, here you are Vine. My Vine. Let's Vining! and Bring Back The Old Vine. Yes, in those posts you can find that, in fact, I don't really like another video apps (like instagram) and I don't really like the Vine's new updates. Yes, that WAS true, but now, I can accept them both.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Movreak, A Great App For All Movie Freaks

Social media today, is already part of our life. People using it not only for communication, but also to share their life to public, unprivately. It seems like, it's a prestige, if we can share (or tell everyone, exactly) any cool thing that we have or we got or we do. Like Path did.