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Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Hello There, KeMANGTEER Jakarta!

Do you know what is KeMANGTEER Jakarta? Nope? Well I'll tell you. It's kind of Mangrove saviour community in Jakarta, Indonesia. KeMANGTEER stands for KeSEMAT Mangrove Volunteer. Yes, we are saving mangrove. Do you know why? Because saving mangrove means save the earth, saving earth means save the life.
Logo KeMANGTEER Jakarta

Friday, 14 November 2014

Music and Its Music Video

For me, there are two types of music. There's music that can be enjoyed by just listen to it. And also, there's music that can be enjoyed only by watch its music video.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Bring Back The Old Vine

Vine was a great app. But see them now. I no longer can see the difference between Vine and another video apps. Vine has lost their uniqueness. And I really disappointed about that.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Apple. Sudah Rusak, Baru Dipelajari.

Emang bener ya statement "penyesalan datangnya belakangan". Ini yang terjadi sama iPod gue, gah :/
Makanya, jangan males atau takut buat ngotak-ngatik device kalian deh. Unless, kalo emang kalian tipe orang yang 'masa bodo sama barang, yang penting gue punya, gue keren, dan kalopun rusak tinggal minta bokap buat beliin yang baru'. Kalo itu sih ya terserah, mau diapain juga device-nya, hahaha.
Jadi, ceritanya iPod gue rusak, Home button-nya gak responsive gitu, gak tau penyebabnya apa, kayaknya sih gara-gara air tapi pas di cek indikator airnya engga kenapa-kenapa. Ya entah lah. Tapi, problemnya bukan di'rusak'nya, karna hal itu udah jadi hal yang biasa. Problemnya adalah.. iPod gue jailbrokeeeeennnnn~~~ :v :v :v /gelundungan

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

How I Love Editing So Much (Part 2)

Yak, baru sekarang bisa ngelanjutin judul yang edit-mengedit. Sebenernya pingin pake English biar bisa dibaca sama yang laen, tapi susah lah nyari kata-katanya, jadi bahasa Indonesia ajah, walopun gak digunakan dengan baik dan benar disini. Hahaha.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Daryl Dixon, Karakter Pendukung atau Karakter Utama?

Kamu pecinta The Walking Dead TV series? Pasti tau dong karakter Daryl Dixon? Iya, yang good looking enough itu, yang hairstyle nya paling lumayan gitu, yang senjata andalannya crossbow gitu, yang tampangnya kayak rambo banget gitu, kayak strong banget gitu, tapi hatinya so sweet banget gituuu~ hehe :3

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Recommendation(s) : TV Series

TV series, well I hate those thing, but interesting in same time anyway.
Actually, when I was a kid, I couldn't sleep well as a normal kid did. I usually awake very very late night. What did I do? I watched TV. Yes, TV. I accompanied my Mom while she did her 'housework' thing. She was busy at the day, cause she worked at the office. That's why she did it at night till it's late. I turned on the TV and watched some TV series. It was her favourite series too. Such as X-Files, Friends, Prison Breaks, and many series that I can't tell because I forgot the tittle -,-

Friday, 14 February 2014

Freddie Highmore : Freddie's Facts

Hello there!
About few months ago, I posted an article about Freddie Highmore. Yes, he's one of my favourite actor. I posted about a little biography of him. And now, I'm gonna post about some of his facts. I got the informations from any sources. Mostly from internet, like his interview report, or any gossip and news about him, and some video of him from youtube. I've been watching and keep looking for his newest interview on internet no matter it is good or not :')

Monday, 10 February 2014

Friday, 24 January 2014

Friday, 17 January 2014

Apple. Sulit Dipahami, Menarik Untuk Dipelajari.

Disini gue bukan mau kasih tau tutorial jailbreak atau apapun lah. Kalian bisa cari itu dimana aja, gue saranin sih yang bentuknya video aja langsung, kayak cari di youtube gitu, lebih aman. HAHAHA.